Babies & Toddlers
Safe and loving nursery and childcare is provided for all of Harmony's church services. Facilities include an infant nursery and a toddler's playroom. We also have a private area for nursing moms.
All volunteers and nursery workers go through a screening process before being approved by our Director of Children's Ministry.
Nursery Director: Andrea Jackson
Contact Info:
Preschool / Kindergarten
Our preschool/kindergarten program provides classes for every service at Harmony Church: Sundays at 8:00am, 10:30am, and 6:00pm as well as Wednesdays at 7:00pm. Our classes provide plenty of songs, Bible lessons, activities, games, crafts and the perfect place to make some friends.

G.E.R.M.S. (God Eternally Rocks My Socks)
The Children's Ministry seeks to lovingly guide and interact with our children so that they share our church's mission. Children 4 years old through 4th grade receive age-appropriate lessons that are centered on Biblical truths, reinforced with practical life application and enriched by a craft or game.
Children's Director: Jessica Barron
Contact Info:
Studio 56
Fifth and Sixth graders are known as tweeners because they are between elementary aged students and junior high aged students. Not only are they "tweeners" in their age and grade, but also in maturity and spirituality. They are children yet they are looking to break out and be more than just kids. Because of this, they always feel in between. They think they are too old to do the things that are done in GERMS, but are not ready for Youth Group.
The goal in Harmony's ministry to 5th & 6th graders is to simply give them a place to be ministered to...a place they feel that they belong. It's designed to bridge the gap between GERMS and Youth Group.